5 Things That Will Take Place If You Have Been In A Car Accident
There’s no way of knowing what tomorrow can bring. You might be in a Georgia car accident on your way to work. This shouldn’t worry you if you have a personal injury claim that can assist you go through the entire compensation process. It is the responsibility of the Georgia Law Offices to keep their clients informed on accident claims and how they can complete the procedure.
1. First and foremost, Georgia Law offices must have the client’s personal information (name, address, phone number, date of birth, Social Security Number, driver’s license number). They’re also entitled to know the exact details of the Georgia car accident (date, day and time and location).
2. If there are witnesses, the law offices must also collect their information as well as their side of the story. Witnesses are asked about what they saw and heard when the accident happened.
3. Other Georgia car accident details must include information on the other driver and the passengers of both or all vehicles involved in the accident. Were there alcohol and drugs involved? If yes, then the Georgia Law offices must include this in the report because this should be covered by Georgia DUI instances.
4. If the policy holder has injuries, then these must also be described in full detail. Georgia personal injury can be handled by law offices as long as they deem fit. If there are damages, these should be stated in the incident report as well. Damages to vehicles, clothes and devices are covered in the insurance claim.
5. Take pictures. This is the best way to document the accident. Good thing there are digital cameras and camera phones because these devices can completely capture the accident. These pictures can definitely help the insurance holder when he tries to claim Georgia personal injury compensations as well as those of Georgia car accident policies.
Once you organize this information, it’s easier to prepare the report that you need in order to maximize the benefits that your insurance must provide you after unexpected Georgia car accidents.