3 Things You Must Do After A Work Injury
The following are the three most important things to do in the first three days after your work injury:
1. Report the accident and your injury to your supervisor immediately!
Many injured workers wait a few days to report the accident and injury, especially if it occurs on a Friday. Do not wait! Report what happened to your supervisor even if you have to call the supervisor.
2. Make Sure Your Work Injury is Documented
Make sure the supervisor reports the accident and injury to the appropriate personnel and that a First Report Of Injury is completed by the employer. The First Report Of Injury documents your accident and injury in writing so that the supervisor cannot deny that you reported it.
3. See the Doctor of Your Choice For Your Work Injury
Tell your employer that you want to see a doctor AND ask for the list of approved doctors, called the Posted Panel of Physicians. This Panel should be posted in a prominent place. YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO CHOOSE FROM THE LIST. DO NOT LET THE EMPLOYER CHOOSE FOR YOU!
What if the employer does not have a Posted Panel Of Physicians?
If the employer does not have a Posted Panel Of Physicians then the injured worker has a right to choose their own doctor to treat him or her for the injuries.
You will most likely need to contact a lawyer if the employer does not have a Posted Panel as the employer and their insurance company will try to deny you the right to see your own doctor. Having your own doctor treat you is very helpful to the injured worker in a workers’ compensation claim. The insurance company knows this and will try to direct you to one of their doctors even though you have a right to choose your own. Call a www.mysuperherolawyer.com/contact”>work injury lawyer.